02 February 2009

What's in a name?

I just now surprised myself by actually spelling "stichomythia" right on the first try. I was typing in the little box that looks at Webster's Dictionary for me, and got this result:
Greek stichomythia, from stichomythein to speak dialogue in alternate lines...especially of altercation or dispute delivered by two actors in alternating lines (as in classical Greek drama)
As with most fancy words thrown out onto the internet, this one has been yanked far away from its natural habitat. So, what does "Table Stichomythia" mean?

It begins with Martin Luther's Table Talk. This was a publication back in the 16th century of the good things Dr. Luther would say while eating (and drinking!) with friends. Luther's followers organized and published Table Talk as a guide to the practical, Bible-centered approach to everyday Christianity which was so important in the early German Reformation.

Table Stichomythia adds the Table Talk practicality to the open dialog of several voices, or stichomythia. The idea of this is to start with a steady diet of the truth contained in God's Word to show us what Christianity is. That will take the form of a weekly Bible study, led by me (I'm Stephen P. Rodgers, by the way; nice to meet you. You have such interesting eyes, I just wanted to say... oh right). When this is posted, we can start the discussion, the argument, the plans for making our lives line up with God's best, and the whatever else floats our collective boat. We'll wrap up all that at the end of the week and have a new post ready a day or so later!

Well, that there's what is that's in the name, as awkward as it is! 'Til Mercy join our paths again,


Blog Sojournings