18 February 2009

Directions and Definition

Praise the LORD! Oh Give thanks to the LORD for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Who can utter the mighty deeds of the LORD, or declare all his praise? - Psalm 106:1-2
I have been thinking about the poll above these posts, which gives some idea about the form our discussions should take. We seem to be favoring an historical approach to theological issues, about half of the voters have voted that way, but another half have split between topical and book-by-book approaches to Scripture, two options which pull away from theological concerns and instead plunge directly into the Word.
Since there is a 50/50 split between Biblical and Historical-Theological emphases, I am trying to think of a way to pursue both goals together. The reason is that I So, I am thinking about a few different solutions, and wonder if anyone has an opinion on them:
  • Talk about history one month, the Bible the next.
  • Talk about history one week, the Bible the next.
  • Have some historical and some Bible discussion each week, more or less related to each other. Perhaps the discussions could even be led by two different people.
  • In an historical survey, use the conflicts and biographical portraits as a means of discussing big issues, diving into the Scriptures to develop our own views on the issues.
  • In a book-by-book biblical discussion, emphasize the historical aspects of issues arising from the passage we approach for the week.
  • Something else. I am not sure if these really lay out the best ideas for guiding our path.
So, any thoughts about the above or anything else?

17 February 2009

Ten Followas

So, we aren't bringing down the blogger servers, but we are up to ten members, thanks to Mark ''Markus à Kempis'' Doering! Excitement!


Contemporary Theology always makes for an interesting Tuesday morning. Today we discussed Evangelicalism and its relationship to Fundamentalism in America. As the class ended, we the students tried to deal with the question, "What am I?" Here are some important aspects of the consideration:
  1. Does it matter what I am called?
  2. If it does, should I be in either of these camps?
  3. If I am neither Fundy nor Evangelicalisticist, what am I?
  4. What is the historical context of the question?
  5. How do the camps differ theologically?
  6. How do the camps differ culturally?
  7. How does my choice of a camp affect my continued ministry?

We discussed some different names. Jake said he'd create the Modern Moravian Mission Movement, but thought that the four Ms might appear too cultic. Otherwise, I am game.

What do you think?

16 February 2009

Oh! That was it!

So, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing, and will start doing it now. I have to get ready for tonight's practice for Annie Get Your Gun. If you want to know more about the dramatic feast which will hit the southern Kansas City area this March, cruise on over to Calvary Bible College's website, calvary.edu, for more info. You can even buy tickets there!

I am going to play Frank Butler, if that means anything to anyone. We'll see how it goes. For now, the play's the thing catching my conscience. Ciao!

I must be forgetting something...

It's getting obvious when I ought to be working on something, because those are the times when I play with my format and layout and such. Such is today! Goodbye, "Scribe" Layout, hello... whatever this is called!

15 February 2009

Don't Lick the Polls...

So, there is a poll above here.
It is not a totally arbitrary and nonsensical poll right now, rather, I'd really like to know- how would you like to go about studying the Word and life? While this is Table Stichomythia needs to "keep true to its DNA," as Alton Brown said, it still would be nice to have a direction to steer its blogging course (it's like when The Blob jogs...).
So, let me know!

Faith Bible Church Online

For those who are anxious for studying historical and biblical theology, I figured I should throw out a link to Faith Bible Church in Springfield, IL. I learned about this church at a conference they held last year featuring their pastor, Dr. Curt Daniel, and noted pastor and speaker Paul Washer, who teaches in Muscle Shoals, AL.
While at Faith, I picked up a number of sermons and pamphlets from the two speakers and others who had visited the church or who taught similarly to Dr. Daniel. I learned there about the 75-lesson series Daniel has recorded on The History and Theology of Calvinism. It is certainly a one-sided presentation, but still gives a very thorough introduction to many of the topics with which scholars and preachers have been defined themselves for hundreds of years. Many other sermons, including the inspiring messages we heard at the conference last year, can be found at www.faithbibleonline.net.

Alright, happy Sunday, y'all!

Blog Sojournings